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Is Low T Therapy Right for You?

Low testosterone is a problem many men face as they age — but it’s not always apparent what it is, why it’s important to men over 40, what causes it, or what treatment options are available for those who struggle.

Feelings of moodiness, weight gain, fatigue, lower sex drive, and more can be associated with age—as well as low testosterone. If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms and didn’t realize they may be due to low T — you’re not alone!

Read on to discover if you’re experiencing low testosterone symptoms and what treatments are available.

What is testosterone, and why is it important?

Testosterone is the essential male sex hormone that plays a crucial role in a man’s reproductive and sexual health. It affects nearly every system in the male body, including reproductive, muscular, skeletal, endocrine, central nervous, and circulatory systems.

Not only is testosterone essential for sexual health, but it is also important for maintaining and developing appropriate muscle mass, bone density, appropriate amounts of red blood cells, positive mental health, and more.

What causes low T, and what are the symptoms?

One in four men in the United States is affected by low testosterone. While many men experience low T, the causes can vary from person to person and involve many factors, including weight, age, medications, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Because testosterone plays such a vital role throughout the body, there are many ways low T can influence your overall health and relationships through physical, sexual, mental, and emotional symptoms. For example, men with extremely low T can experience weight gain, fatigue, loss of strength, diminished libido, erectile dysfunction, irritability, memory loss, depression, and more.

What are treatment options for men with low T?

Many solutions are available through low T therapy to help restore testosterone levels. Some treatments include supplements, skin patches, creams and gels, implants, injections, pellet therapy, and peptides.

One of the most common treatments is low-T therapy injections — which have an exceptionally high rate of success, consistency, and safety. Individuals usually begin to see physical improvements about three weeks after the initial treatment, and mental health shifts at about six to eight weeks. After six months of ongoing treatment, most men see an improvement in energy, muscle mass, and get back to feeling like themselves again.

To learn more about different treatments for low testosterone, take a look at our free guide to find out everything you need to know about low testosterone and different treatment options.